Archive by Author

The Couch to Marathon Transformation

19 January

Running, or rather road racing, is currently one of the most popular activities in the United States. It’s cheap (only need shoes!), it’s accessible (just go outside!), it’s social (join a club!), and it good for your health (in moderation!)…in short, running has the deck stacked in it’s favor when it comes to rapid growth. […]

The Lost Art of the Marathon Race Analysis

12 January

A well-executed marathon is the intersection of three key variables: fitness, strategy, and race execution. You could also argue that a solid dose of good fortune can also help, but experience has shown that even perfect temps and a slight tailwind can’t compensate for not being in shape, having no plan, and making poor in-race […]

Rapid Recovery For Runners

05 January

With the Goofy Challenge mere days away, and the growing popularity of more hard core running events that let you stack up serious miles like Reach the Beach or Bay to Breakers, this article is meant to address the need for almost instant run recovery. Success in endurance running events has less to do with […]

Top Four Ways to Make New Year’s Running Resolutions That Stick

29 December

With the New Year upon us, your peers and countless websites are undoubtedly urging you to make resolutions to be a newer and better you. While I think this annual exercise can be a useful one, the changes we pick almost never turn out to work the way we planned — sometimes this is good, […]

Top Five Treadmill Running Tips

08 December

When we think of treadmill running, most of us instinctively look down on it as a second-class form of running. But there are times that even the strongest opponent to the treadmill will line up and start pushing the buttons for a workout — could be weather, could be travel, could be anything…and here you […]