After the marathon, most runners simply…keep running. No downtime. No rest. No reflection. No time for growth…and ultimately no room for it either. Any marathon finisher will tell you the importance of being 100% mentally prepared for the challenges of race day; yet few choose to exercise their mental muscles in the post-race window when […]
Tag Archives: marathon training plan
Free Boston Marathon Qualification Training Advice (No, Really!)
Running the 2013 Boston Marathon was something I was doing more for my family, than for myself. In 2014 I plan on running Boston for the victims of the bombing, and to exemplify the spirit and resiliency of the marathon community.
Part 4: Eight Couch to Marathon Baby Steps
While the marathon is your own personal adventure to navigate, rest assured that thousands more have done the same. You can use their experience as your road map. As a coach who has helped countless athletes reach the finish line, I am going to let you in on one simple secret for your preparation: Take […]
Operation Motivation 2012 Part 2: Digital Inspiration
Operation Motivation 2012 (AKA No More Bad Run Days): Part 1 of 3
No, we run because it’s an amazing gift but also because it’s not always a given. The highs and lows are part of the territory; how you handle them is what defines you as a runner.
Tweaking Marathon Nutrition for Race Day Conditions
On race day, your finish is what you eat. Training aside, the fourth discipline of nutrition is what can help you reach your goals. Messing it up can also leave you far short. A great race is as much a test of what defines you as it is a test of what fuels you — […]
Marathon Nutrition Protocol for Success
The period of time leading into your next marathon brings a lot of distinct challenges that are entirely unrelated to the race itself: tapering, traveling, eating, sleeping, etc. While important, these disparate elements don’t matter as much as the fitness you bring to the starting line and the plan you have in place to reach […]
The 10k-to-Marathon Connection
There is, however, another path to marathon success. It’s not some crazy supplement or short cut – you still have to train and race, but the good news is that the marathon finish line might not be as far off as you originally thought. Instead of just focusing on the miles, you can look to […]
The Couch to Marathon Transformation
Running, or rather road racing, is currently one of the most popular activities in the United States. It’s cheap (only need shoes!), it’s accessible (just go outside!), it’s social (join a club!), and it good for your health (in moderation!)…in short, running has the deck stacked in it’s favor when it comes to rapid growth. […]
The Ultimate Marathon Race Plan
Getting ready for the big dance, the full 26.2 miles, is a huge undertaking. As the day approaches, the true significance of the event becomes readily apparent by virtue of just how panicked you become. Not all of the worry is necessarily bad, but it can lead you down the path to some poor deciscions […]
Marathon Race Execution Testimonial
Every once in a while, we get feedback from runners who are using our unique training and racing approach to meet their marathon goals. Here’s a great note from Amy, who used our race execution guide (available here for free) to have a successful first race. Congrats Amy and thanks for sharing!!!!
The Marathon Secret: Your Skill Run, aka It’s Not All Endurance
Running is one thing, but to do it well is something else and to sustain it for 26.2 miles is another story altogether. Poor running form can lead to injury, additional stress on your body, and reduce your ability to use your fitness over time. You must develop–and maintain–good running form if you are going […]
Splitting the Marathon Long Run
The marathon is considered by many to be running’s ultimate test. But as anyone who as trained for a marathon can tell you, the real challenges happens long before race day or the dreaded “wall.” It’s the hard work you do in the weeks and months prior to your race that can make — or […]
The Marathon Team Spirit
Inside Marathon Nation we are focused on getting you as fit as possible without sucking up every available hour in your day. We believe that running is more than a set of workouts, but that it’s a lifelong journey with lots of little daily steps.
Proper Marathon Pacing: Nail Your Start to Manage Your Heart Rate

After months of training and countless miles, your race is here. Hundreds of hours of hard work all come down to one day and 26.2 miles. Yet after juggling workouts and recovery, managing your commitments, and making nuanced adjustments to your nutrition, the most common race strategy is practically no strategy at all.
Running When Hot: Three Simple Ways To Beat the Heat

Dealing with high temperatures and humidity on marathon race day is a critical success factor. If you can’t or don’t know how to beat the heat, your day could end prematurely and most likely your finishing time will fall far outside of your goal window. Here are three ways to make sure you avoid these […]